Looking for “God’s Eyes”?

Do you seem to have days and days of just ‘doing your thing’ with no change? Are there times when no ‘magic’ seems to be happening in your life or that you feel “less than blessed”? That may not be the true circumstances but maybe it just feels like that from time to time.

We all know that there are daily, even minute to minute miracles bestowed upon us continuously. (Even if we are able to get up in the morning and Be a part of another day is a miracle.) But if you’re like me, sometimes we forget.

But I’ve found that it’s not that difficult to find a new way to Be PRESENT in our lives that’s as easy as the first miracle of getting up every morning!

We all look for deeper meaning in all that we do. Thus, that’s what fulfills our souls. I love the search for more grandness in all of my achievements! I love the quest for a higher level of divine in all the people that I come in contact with! And I love the fact that I alone can make that happen!

Within the past few months, a message from the Universe seems to have wanted to make a connection with me. It started early summer where I had the opportunity to direct a mini-version of Les Miserablés with a group of very talented teenagers. The lyric that kept hitting me so profoundly, and although I’ve heard it and taught it many times before, was:
“To love another person is to see the face of God”.

That line has always struck a deep chord within me that rings so true. To simply love another person is to see the face of God! It doesn’t have to be anymore than that, and yet…that is everything!!

Later on in the year in another production I was teaching a song from a musical called “God’s Eyes”. There it was again! For me the message became clearer: Look for the face of God in EVERYONE! And, why not? Since God is everywhere and IN everyone, why don’t we all start looking into their “God’s Eyes” and see that! And by having them look into our “God’s Eyes”, we are able to return the Blessing.

I am loving this kind of way to approach people on a day to day basis. To make a conscious effort to give silently from within myself to another person as I communicate with them. Giving a divine moment of myself to somebody that I love dearly, to the barista at Starbucks.

Imagine the bigger impact of what we would really be doing!
Looking into someone else’s eyes and acknowledging the God that lives within them and knowing that we are receiving the same divine vibration from them at the same time!

Try this, dear Beings! And please share with us your experiences here on the blog. I look forward to reading all about it….from your “God’s Eyes”!!!

Be Good to Yourself/Be GOD to Yourself,


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